# Simple Host Configuration File ####### XtremWeb Server # There put the location of the root XtremWeb server dispatcher.host=xw08.lri.fr # Next line shows how to set several servers (names must be delimited by space or tabulation #dispatcher.host=host1 host2 host 3 ## dispatcher.port=4322 ## dispatcher.xmlport=4326 ## dispatcher.tcpport=4329 # Login and password to connect to the server (required) login=tmorlier password=75de02112c5ae8de3be764bd3 ##### update.restartCommand=/opt/j2sdk1.4.1_05/bin/java -jar /tmp/xtremweb133/share/xtremweb/classes/XWWLaunch.jar ##### # tmp dir # default is System tmp dir # path.tmpdir=/tmp ##### # This is needed if your worker is subject to execute Services # Typically a TomCat server should run on localhost; you can set TomCat port number here ## tomcat.port = 80 ##### Name of the class to use as an activator (default is AlwaysActive) # The activator controls which ressources can be used at a given time # currently, only the CPU is handled # ## activator.class=xtremweb.worker.AlwaysActive # dummy activator that always let the worker use the CPU ## activator.class=xtremweb.worker.ActivatorUA # use this activator if you want XtremWeb to monitor # mouse and keyboard activity to know if it can start a computation # (currently only supperted under Linux) ## activator.poll.delay=20 # Duration in minutes before launching a computation when no # keyboard or mouse activity was detected ## activator.class=xtremweb.worker.TCPActivator # simple shell to set the activity mask. The activity # mask determine which activity are allowed, see source code # of xtremweb.worker.activator for more details. # For example, TCPActivator can be used with netcat to easily control # the worker from a shell script. # something like # % echo 0 | nc -q 0 localhost 10000 # will stop computation, while # % echo 1 | nc -q localhost 10000 # will start the computaion if some jobs are available ## activator.listen=localhost:10000 # on which interface and port to listen, *: means all interfaces # xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: means only this IP. It's safer # to use localhost: to listen only on the loopback interface ## activator.tcp.feedback=on # set to on if you want the TCP shell to print a prompt and an error # notification if the mask is not valid, or to off to disable # all feedback from the activator. ## activator.class=xtremweb.worker.WinSaverActivator # activator that wait for the screensaver to start before allowing # the worker to compute. for win32 only #### #### Location of temporary directories # XtremWeb needs to use some disk space, for storing results of # a computation. By defaults it will use /tmp/XW.user.dispatcher. # If you need to # use an other directories uncomment this line and specify another # directory. # path.tmpdir=/tmp/XW.tmp #### #### Configuration of the Sandbox tools. # The Sandbox is a security programm that permits a better security # level of XtremWeb. It permits your computer to be protected from the # application ran on your host. # If you wish to use a sand box tool set sandbox.enable to "true" else set # it to "false" or comment it. # sandbox.enable=true # give here the full path and name of the sandbox system and the # command line arguments # sandbox.name=/path_to_sanabox/bin # sandbox.args="--trick=Xw" #### #### worker keystore # SSL requires a file to store the certificate provided by the XtremWeb Server # by default it uses the certificate bundled with the software ## path.certfile=/tmp/xtremweb133/share/xtremweb/keys/worker.keys #### #### Trace collector # Comment this to disable the Traces Collector. This system records # some activity of your computer and send it to the server. This is # only usefull for research work. tracer.enable=false ##### ##### Logging # this is the log4j configuration, see http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j # for details. By default, logs are send to standard output # possible log4J output level are (from most to least detailed output) : # debug, info, warn,error # sample log4j configuration that use daily rotating files ## log4j.rootLogger=warn, DROLL ## log4j.appender.DROLL=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender ## log4j.appender.DROLL.File=logs/worker.log ## log4j.appender.DROLL.DatePattern='.'yyyy-MM-dd ## log4j.appender.DROLL.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout ## log4j.appender.DROLL.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd/MM/yy HH:mm} [%9c] (%t) %5p %m%n # sample log4j configuration that uses rotating files accordingly to a max file size ## log4j.rootLogger=warn, SROLL ## log4j.appender.SROLL.File=logs/worker.log ## log4j.appender.SROLL=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender ## log4j.appender.SROLL.MaxFileSize=300KB ## log4j.appender.SROLL.MaxBackupIndex=1 ## log4j.appender.SROLL.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] (%F:%L) %-5p %c - %m%n # sample log4j config that sends logs to a monitor on an other host on the network ## log4j.rootLogger=warn, NETWORK ## log4j.appender.NETWORK=org.apache.log4j.net.SocketAppender ## log4j.appender.NETWORK.Port=4445 ## log4j.appender.NETWORK.RemoteHost=mymachine.domain.com ## log4j.appender.NETWORK.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] (%F:%L) %-5p %c - %m%n # sample log4j configuration to stdout log4j.rootLogger=info, CONSOLE log4j.appender.CONSOLE=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.CONSOLE.target=System.out log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd/MM/yy HH:mm} [%9c] (%t) %5p %m%n #####